scalaxb 1.5.0

breaking changes

  • Fixes name clashes in typeclass intance by prefixing full package name. #385 by @anatoliykmetyuk
  • The default value for using varargs is set to false.
  • sbt-scalaxb is now an auto plugin. See below.

bug fixes


  • Adds --mutable option to generate mutable case classes. See below.
  • Uses type attribute to convert xs:any. #389 by @anatoliykmetyuk
  • Adds --autopackages option to pick package names automatically. #391 by @anatoliykmetyuk
  • Adds --visitor option to generate a Visitor for traversing over the generated case classes. #392 by @anatoliykmetyuk

sbt-scalaxb changes

sbt-scalaxb for scalaxb 1.5.0 is changed to an auto plugin.
Instead of adding scalaxbSettings and defining sourceGenerators in Compile,
enable ScalaxbPlugin instead. All other setting/task keys will be prefixed with "scalaxb".
For example, packageName will now be called scalaxbPackageName.


import ScalaxbKeys._
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
    name := "foo-project").
    sourceGenerators in Compile += (scalaxb in Compile).taskValue,
    packageName in (Compile, scalaxb) := "generated"
    // packageNames in (Compile, scalaxb) := Map(uri("http://something/") -> "something"),
    // logLevel in (Compile, scalaxb) := Level.Debug


lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
    name := "foo-project",
    scalaxbPackageName in (Compile, scalaxb) := "generated"
    // scalaxbAutoPackages in (Compile, scalaxb) := true

#405 by @eed3si9n

mutable case class

scalaxb 1.5.0 adds an option to generate mutable case classes.

case class Address(var name: String,
  var street: String,
  var city: String)

In sbt-scalaxb, this can be enabled as:

lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
    name := "foo-project",
    scalaxbPackageName in (Compile, scalaxb) := "generated",
    scalaxbGenerateMutable in (Compile, scalaxb) := true

#390 by @AndreVanDelft


Huge thanks to everyone who has helped to improve scalaxb by sending pull requests and reporting bugs!

According to git shortlog -sn --no-merges 1.4.1..release/1.5.0, the following people contributed to this release: Anatoliy Kmetyuk (@anatoliykmetyuk), Eugene Yokota (@eed3si9n), Andre Van Delft (@AndreVanDelft), Jan-Kees van Andel (@jankeesvanandel), Joshua Reese (@joshlreese), and Mateusz Kołodziejczyk (@coutoPL).