scalaxb 1.8.0

scalaxb 1.8.0 adds Monocle Lens generation feature.


Using the sbt-scalaxb this can be enabled as:

val monocleCore = "com.github.julien-truffaut" %% "monocle-core"  % "2.0.3"
// val monocleMacro = "com.github.julien-truffaut" %% "monocle-macro" % "2.0.3"
val scalaXml = "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-xml" % "1.3.0"
val scalaParser = "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-parser-combinators" % "1.1.2"
val dispatchV = "0.12.0"
val dispatch = "net.databinder.dispatch" %% "dispatch-core" % dispatchV
ThisBuild / organization  := "com.example"
ThisBuild / scalaVersion  := "2.12.8"
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
    name          := "foo",
    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(dispatch, scalaXml, scalaParser, monocleCore),
    Compile / scalaxb / scalaxbDispatchVersion := dispatchV,
    Compile / scalaxb / scalaxbPackageName := "com.example.ipo",
    Compile / scalaxb / scalaxbGenerateLens := true,
    Compile / scalaxb / scalaxbUseLists := true,

generated code

This will generate Lenses in the companion objects as follows:

case class PurchaseOrderType(shipTo: ipo.Addressable,
  billTo: ipo.Addressable,
  comment: Option[String] = None,
  items: ipo.Items,
  attributes: Map[String, scalaxb.DataRecord[Any]] = Map.empty) {
  lazy val orderDate = attributes.get("@orderDate") map {[javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar]}
object PurchaseOrderType {
  def shipTo: monocle.Lens[PurchaseOrderType, ipo.Addressable] = monocle.Lens[PurchaseOrderType, ipo.Addressable](_.shipTo)((_shipTo: ipo.Addressable) => (purchaseordertype: PurchaseOrderType) => purchaseordertype.copy(shipTo = _shipTo))
  def billTo: monocle.Lens[PurchaseOrderType, ipo.Addressable] = monocle.Lens[PurchaseOrderType, ipo.Addressable](_.billTo)((_billTo: ipo.Addressable) => (purchaseordertype: PurchaseOrderType) => purchaseordertype.copy(billTo = _billTo))
  def comment: monocle.Lens[PurchaseOrderType, Option[String]] = monocle.Lens[PurchaseOrderType, Option[String]](_.comment)((_comment: Option[String]) => (purchaseordertype: PurchaseOrderType) => purchaseordertype.copy(comment = _comment))
  def items: monocle.Lens[PurchaseOrderType, ipo.Items] = monocle.Lens[PurchaseOrderType, ipo.Items](_.items)((_items: ipo.Items) => (purchaseordertype: PurchaseOrderType) => purchaseordertype.copy(items = _items))
  def attributes: monocle.Lens[PurchaseOrderType, Map[String, scalaxb.DataRecord[Any]]] = monocle.Lens[PurchaseOrderType, Map[String, scalaxb.DataRecord[Any]]](_.attributes)((_attributes: Map[String, scalaxb.DataRecord[Any]]) => (purchaseordertype: PurchaseOrderType) => purchaseordertype.copy(attributes = _attributes))
  implicit class PurchaseOrderTypeW[A](l: monocle.Lens[A, PurchaseOrderType]) {
    def shipTo: monocle.Lens[A, ipo.Addressable] = l composeLens PurchaseOrderType.shipTo
    def billTo: monocle.Lens[A, ipo.Addressable] = l composeLens PurchaseOrderType.billTo
    def comment: monocle.Lens[A, Option[String]] = l composeLens PurchaseOrderType.comment
    def items: monocle.Lens[A, ipo.Items] = l composeLens PurchaseOrderType.items
    def attributes: monocle.Lens[A, Map[String, scalaxb.DataRecord[Any]]] = l composeLens PurchaseOrderType.attributes
case class Items(item: List[ipo.Item] = Nil)
object Items {
  def item: monocle.Lens[Items, List[ipo.Item]] = monocle.Lens[Items, List[ipo.Item]](_.item)((_item: List[ipo.Item]) => (items: Items) => items.copy(item = _item))
  implicit class ItemsW[A](l: monocle.Lens[A, Items]) {
    def item: monocle.Lens[A, List[ipo.Item]] = l composeLens Items.item


Here's an example of how the lenses can be used:

scala> import com.example.ipo._
import com.example.ipo._
scala> val items = Items(Item("a", BigInt(0), BigDecimal(0)) :: Nil)
items: com.example.ipo.Items = Items(List(Item(a,0,0,None,None,Map())))
scala> val po = PurchaseOrderType(Address("", "", ""), Address("", "", ""), None, items)
po: com.example.ipo.PurchaseOrderType = PurchaseOrderType(Address(,,),Address(,,),None,Items(List(Item(a,0,0,None,None,Map()))),Map())
scala> PurchaseOrderType.items.item.set(Item("b", BigInt(0), BigDecimal(0)) :: Nil)(po)
res0: com.example.ipo.PurchaseOrderType = PurchaseOrderType(Address(,,),Address(,,),None,Items(List(Item(b,0,0,None,None,Map()))),Map())

In the above, PurchaseOrderType.items.item zooms into the item field of the purchase order's items field and replaces the value.

This was implemented by @eed3si9n as #535, based on #292 contributed by @lbruand.