scalaxb 0.6.2
sbt-scalaxb for sbt 0.10.1
To call scalaxb from sbt 0.10.1, put this in your project/plugins/build.sbt
libraryDependencies <+= (sbtVersion) { sv => "org.scalaxb" %% "sbt-scalaxb" % ("sbt" + sv + "_0.6.2") }
and this in build.sbt
seq(sbtscalaxb.Plugin.scalaxbSettings: _*)
sourceGenerators in Compile <+= scalaxb.identity
bug fixes and minor enhancements
- Adds
option to set the limit of long sequence. - Adds
option to prepend family name to classes generated from child elements (#69 reported by @devinus). - Adds soap 1.1 support (#66 reported by @s
stewart and @meglio) - All modules built using sbt 0.10.1.