scalaxb 1.0.2

bug fixes

  • Fixes handling of large groups. #188 reported by @workingDog
  • Fixes handling of xs:any with namespace constraints. #189
  • Removes upper limit on duplicate name resolution. #190
  • Fixes handling of enum values that are symbols. #191
  • Fixes xs:group references naming conflict. #192
  • Fixes handling of xs:choice that's made up of a foreign type. #193
  • Fixes handling of split xs:sequence whose only item is nillable and unbounded. #194
  • Fixes handling of xs:choice that includes a substitution group. #195
  • Fixes handling of complex types containing foreign xs:sequence. #196
  • Fixes handling of xs:group or a mixed complex type that includes an optional substitution group. #197
  • Fixes handling of complex types that directly or indirectly derives from xs:anySimpleType. #200/#203 reported by @sagarcjoshi
  • Fixes handling of mixed complex type that extends simple type. #205
  • Fixes DispatchHttpClients not handling non-200 results. reported and fixed by @dportabella in #204