wsdl feature the beginning
I wanted to share Tim's latest blog article Using SOAP with Scala with you guys.
It seems I have inadvertently become “that guy who does SOAP with Scala”.
Also wanted to share a bit of the background. I'd known SOAP was doable because majority of the WSDL is actually XSD, and also @max4f has implemented it. But originally, I was going to wait a while till I implement WSDL/SOAP support. What got me moving quicker was @timperrett's tweet on 4/26:
Has anyone ever built some kind of monadic abstraction on SOAP? If so, i want to hear your thoughts!
- @chrslws responded "@timperrett Thinking of #scalaquery style API, and some kind of wsdl compiler to gen objs w/ typed query props like @eed3si9n's scalaxb .."
- @timperrett wrote "@chrslws Ideally I want to wrap the Java infrastructure... SOAP is a nightmare I would prefer not to deal with at a low level."
- @max4f also added "@chrslws @timperrett I've built a very nice SOAP client using scalaxb, although it's anything but monadic."
- @softprops also wrote "@chrslws I brought this up at the last talk @eed3si9n did. As unattractive as soap is, scalaxb looks way sexier than wsimport"
- since I was brought in, I confessed "@softprops @chrslws @max4f I've been thinking scalaxb should generate scala code from wsdl out of the box like wsdl2java or xsd.exe"
- @max4f predicted "@eed3si9n @softprops @chrslws I think scalaxb will be seriously on the hook for a standard SOAP client impl if everyone rolls their own."
All this in one day. Right around the time excitement was building up to Scala Days 2011 (June 2-3).
Next day on 4/27, @timperrett posted:
Oh yeah! Composable SOAP using monads and futures... HELL YEAH #longdaybutworthit
but around a week later 5/6, wrote
Today's conclusion: I need to write a whole new SOAP stack for Scala. Java data structures are like vomit.
- @tlockney responded "@timperrett I recommend looking at @eed3si9n's Scalaxb ( @max4f has had good luck down that path."
- By the time, Tim must have been thinking what the heck is scalaxb?!
- I wrote "@tlockney @timperrett @max4f I started soap branch for scalaxb. got wsdl in mind I should shoot for? -"
May 29th, right before Scala Days, scalaxb 0.6.0 was released with experimental wsdl 1.1 support.
Several weeks pass by, on June 21st, @timperrett wrote:
The #scalaxb WSDL support is wicked. Got a bunch of custom SOAP handlers setup now... adding finagle tomorrow.
So I guess what I am trying to say, is thank you guys.