came out of the necessity to fulfill two requirements. The first is to convert XML document into a native object so it could be consumed easier (also known as data binding); the second is to retain the ability to convert the native object back into the XML document (also known as round trip). The two requirements are sometimes not aligned with each other. For example, if I am just worried about getting the round trip done, I can just hold on to the scala.xml.Node
and use that to write XML out, but it's not very useful from the data binding perspective.
The first goal of the scalaxb was to cover the full range of XML Schema and implementing the round trip. Now that the goal is mostly fulfilled, my recent updates were aimed to improve the usability of generated code while still maintaining the roundtripability. One area where the pendulum has shifted too much towards round trip is the code generated for <choice>
. I'd like to review the history of code generation for <choice>
and propose a new solution at the end.