A big thanks to Max (@max4f) for writing a scalaxb plugin for sbt, and letting me pull it into the project.
If you're not using simple build tool, why?
Here are the steps to compile-xsd
task from sbt.
step 1. Plugins.scala
Add the following to your project/plugins/Plugins.scala
import sbt._
class Plugins(info: ProjectInfo) extends PluginDefinition(info) {
val scalaxb = "org.scalaxb" % "sbt-scalaxb" % "0.6.0"
val scalaToolsNexusSnapshots = "Scala Tools Nexus Snapshots" at "http://nexus.scala-tools.org/content/repositories/snapshots/"
val scalaToolsNexusReleases = "Scala Tools Nexus Releases" at "http://nexus.scala-tools.org/content/repositories/releases/"